Wednesday, October 22, 2008

See Samoa at CUA Stadium

The star-studded Samoan rugby league team will hold a fan day at CUA Stadium in Penrith this Saturday, October 25 starting at 9am.
The team is in Penrith all week to prepare for their World Cup clash against Tonga the following Friday.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Celebrate Rugby League

Blog Entry by
Peter Lang
Marketing Officer
Penrith City Council

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love the sport of rugby league. So imagine how 'chuffed' I was when a few months ago my bosses at Council asked me to devise a marketing campaign which would promote three rugby league tournaments, which were all going to be held in Penrith between September and November.
I felt as giddy as a kid in a candy store - the ideas were making my head spin.
After a painful brainstorming session with my supervisor Paul Page, painful because I actually had to use my brain, we came up with, oh ok, 'I' came up with the title 'Celebrate Rugby League' and a very involved marketing campaign consisting of around 10,000 printed flyers, the world wide web and extensive newspaper advertising.
The first tournament has already come and gone and it's where the photo above comes from. The International Masters of Rugby League Tournament bought some estimated 3,000 visitors into the area over a concentrated eight-day period. Open to players over the age of 35 with some well over 60, I had the pleasure of watching several games being played at Jamison Park in Penrith.
All I can say is the sportsmanship shown on the day was something to see and admire. Older players helping younger players up off the ground after a good tackle. The referee openly acknowledging an exciting try, players encouraging each other after a dropped ball or loose pass went to ground. 'Don't worry mate, we'll get 'em next time' one player said putting his arm around the shoulders of his team mate who was cursing the fact that an opportunity to score had eluded him.
There was plenty of passion on show that day.
It's what rugby league is all about and in this tournament - age definitely did not weary them.
There's still two great tournaments to come, the Rugby League World Cup with two games to be played at CUA Stadium in Penrith and the Defence Forces World Cup, also at CUA Stadium between November 4-17.
If the passion, commitment and spirit of friendship in these games even half matches what I saw at Jamison Park that warm 'Spring' day in September, then as spectators, we're in for two fantastic tournaments!
Who said the rugby league season was over, in downtown Penrith Valley, it's just beginning.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Alan Jones - simply inspiring!

Blog Entry by Michael Todd
Marketing Manager
Penrith Valley Economic Development Corporation (PVEDC)

Knowing he was due to visit, I had a dream the night before that I was working with him. Strange, but it reflected what I’m wishing was the case right now.

On Tuesday 30 September, I witnessed the best guest speaker I have seen so far in my short life. Alan Jones AO, the multi-talented well known media personality was somehow secured by John Todd, the Executive Officer of the Penrith City & District Business Advisory Centre, for his 2008 annual sponsor’s luncheon at Penrith Paceway.
To answer your next question, yes John is my father.

Arriving in a helicopter which landed on the picturesque track, the 147 attendees were glued to their seats for the entire 30 or so minutes - about 30 minutes more than they probably ever expected to spend in the same room with someone of his stature.

He gained the respect of all present with a sincere recommendation, or wish rather, based on his own recent experiences to all males present to get a blood test - acknowledging that we are bad at self-diagnosing. Correct!

His presentation was amazing, speaking on the topics of banks, water, fast trains and griping at the fact that big companies are a major threat to our small business.

The one that stuck in my mind is the big companies destroying our small businesses. Mr Jones said they have a lot to answer for, they lower their prices when a small business competitor enters the market, drives them out of business, then jacks up their prices and moves on. This, in my opinion, will get worse and worse and something has to be done.

Some very interesting points that he gave his opinion on were:

- The recent collapse on Wall Street is a result of greed
- Our banks are boring which is a good thing as the risk is reduced
- Finance will continue to get more expensive or not available at all
- We are in a massive infrastructure crisis
- Our water stocks are slim, which is the direct result of not building a dam to complement Warragamba dam.
- Warragamba Dam is in the wrong place
- We need a fast train, people could work in Newcastle but live in Sydney
- We have had one or two too many interest rate rises
- Craig Emerson (also a guest speaker) has the best brains in parliament

His ability to speak the words which were on everyone’s tongues is an ability not many have and finished by saying that although we are all in complicated circumstances, a simple attitudinal change and rolling up our sleeves will allow us to do anything.

Before we got time to flinch, away he flew.
Photo from left to right: Local Member for Penrith Karyn Paluzzano, BEC Executive Officer John Todd, BEC Chairman Peter Berger, Alan Jones AO