Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Great Escape Charity Car Rally takes off!

Blog entry by: Peter Lang
Marketing Officer
Penrith City Council
Who says you can't have a social conscience and have fun at the same time?
Forty cars packed to the rafters with over 100 excited competitors all left the car park of Penrith City Council Civic Centre on Tuesday, September 9 on a 10-day charity car rally to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis Australia.
And what a fantastic morning it was too! There were cars of every shape and size, drivers dressed like beer wenches, clowns, Batman and even 'Kenny the toilet consultant!'. The Penrith Mayor, Councillor Greg Davies was there too and after 'flagging off' 40 cars at the sart of their journey, probably had a sore shoulder for the rest of the day!
Local radio station Kick 87.6 were also there and did a terrific job of covering the event - and it was an event! Sure it was early, everyone stated gathering just after 6am, except for myself of course....I got there at 7am....sorry.... slept in....but who didn't sleep in was the bleary-eyed yet enthusiastic drivers and crew, who were out until late the night before at a special dinner raising more money for the cause.
Didn't hear any of them complaining....they were just happy to be there and happy to help raise money for a very worthwhile cause. The world needs more people like this and I can tell you, Penrith was proud to be the starting point for this amazing journey all in aid of Cystic Fibrosis. To find out more or to donate call 1 800 635 008 or visit www.thegreatescape.org.au

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